The end of the year is a time for a lot of things: joy, togetherness, and perhaps a bit of strife. As 2024 draws to a close, we can imagine your year-end to-do list may be adding onto this stress as you race to close out books, plan for Q1, and reflect on the wins and losses of the past 365 days.
We’re here to help! Here are three simple things you can add into your December calendar to set yourself up for success in the year to come:
Schedule a team debrief: Set aside time to discuss the highs and lows with your team before holiday feasts take over the mind. Better yet, do this in-person (or, at least, via video call): Research shows that “reporting progress face-to-face makes employees feel part of something larger, and…increases their odds of achieving goals by 95%.”
Gather feedback: This doesn’t need to be as exhaustive as a lot of the 360s and team-building surveys we recommend. It can be as simple as one question, which employees can discuss in a roundtable or answer anonymously: What is the most important thing we should focus on to improve where it matters most in 2025?
Share some motivation: Now, a question for yourself as the leader: What is one way you can motivate your team for a final time this year? Perhaps it’s a celebration for all of the accomplishments, big and small, that happened in 2024. Or, maybe, it’s displaying individual recognition via one-on-one meetings. Either way, make it a priority to end your time “in office” with a positive!
If you are looking for more ideas or need help on executing any of the above, please reach out to us at hello@thejoshuagroup.net!
Happy holidays!