By Scott Morgan

This week, our blog is written by a special guest author – one of The Joshua Group's consultants, Scott Morgan. Scott is a leadership coach, speaker, and trainer who has dedicated his life to meeting people where they are and helping lead them to where they desire to be. Since 1999, Scott has helped countless leaders in varied situations become the best versions of themselves. Meet Scott & more of our team here!
2 timothy 1:7 – For God did not give us a spirit not of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-control.
This verse reflects God’s transformational work in my life. As a large-framed 6'5" man with an assertive personality (and an 8 on the enneagram), I’ve never really struggled with timidity. I have spent my entire adult life extremely comfortable operating from a position of power and love. But I have lacked what is promised at the end of that verse.
In many ways, my entire adult life is an American dream. The traits of power and love have served me well. I married well. I am busy raising a beautiful family. I’ve enjoyed working productively in both vocational ministry and in the business world.
Unfortunately, I have also spent my entire adult life struggling with self-control. Somehow I failed to recognize that this was also available to me.
I have always known this was my weakness. It was evident in the mirror. It was evident in the way my clothes fit. It was evident in my energy level.
I knew I had to make a change.
It’s a daily decision to operate with self-control.
The first common sense step for me was to remove temptation. Eliminate junk food. If the foods that tempt me are not in my pantry, they will not end up in my belly.
The next step was for me to choose what to add. I’ve added regular exercise. I’ve added a personal trainer. I’ve added a rower to my basement.
It’s actually ironic that when I previously used my body less, and sat on my couch more, I actually had LESS energy. Now that I am moving my body more and sitting around less, I have MORE energy.
I am down over 50 pounds. I have REMOVED excess weight from my frame. I am literally lighter. I’m lighter physically; but I’m lighter emotionally and spiritually as well.
For the first time in years, I am able to buy clothes right off the rack instead of only finding my size in the "Big and Tall" store.
I know my wife and my children are proud of me. More importantly, I am proud of myself.
Self-control was my struggle. Removing temptation was my easy first step. Adding exercise was the next crucial step.
Self-control was my struggle. This is my story. But I believe that the simple intentional steps of removing and adding can address a variety of personal struggles. What’s your struggle? What should you remove from your life to address that struggle? And what do you need to add?
I’m so thankful that God did not give me (or you) a spirit of timidity. And I know that the spirit of power and of love are mine. Now, self control is as well.