By Jillian Broaddus and Chuck Cusumano

As 2024 draws to a close, all of us here at The Joshua Group want to thank you for a wonderful, fulfilling, and rewarding year! Whether we worked together closely or whether our only connection to you was as a passing blog reader, you’ve made a difference in our year and we hope your holidays are filled with peace and joy!
While you’ve probably received a few year-end “wrap-ups” from some of your favorite brands and companies, we thought we’d provide our own. Here’s some blog stats and a look back at some of our (really, YOUR!) most popular articles:
Our blog was viewed 2,194 times,
Encompassing 1,772 unique visitors, including
Visitors from 63 countries
We surpassed the 200 mark of blogs posted since we started.
We celebrated our 5th year of blogging, and
The Joshua Group’s 17th anniversary!
We wrote blogs covering topic like The Charles Schultz Philosophy, workplace confidence, friendship in business, blueberries, loneliness, goals, rest, and gratitude – just to mention a few!
And your most-read articles this year (including those published in years past – we see you scrolling back!) included:
How to Rest (we included this extra #6 on the “top 5” list, since it’s particularly relevant around the holidays!)
As our business continues to serve others, and we continue to share what we have learned through our blogs, we challenge you to end 2024 in a spirit of "service to one another."
And to start 2025 with the reason we named our company "The Joshua Group" –
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
Happy holidays and thank you again! We look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Until then, feel free to reach us at!